Search multiple states at once with MissingMoney.com
Most states participate in MissingMoney.com—a free website, sponsored by NAUPA, from which you can search participating state’s databases for unclaimed property. MissingMoney.com will display any states in which there is a match, and provide information and links to the official government websites for beginning the claims process.
Treasury Reminds Veterans to Redeem their Matured U.S. Savings Bonds; Veterans – You May Have Matured Savings Bonds. U.S. Treasury Wants to Help You Redeem Them
Additional sources for unclaimed property
In addition to state government programs, there are many national and international sources for unclaimed property.
United States Resources
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provides deposit insurance to financial institutions and depositors of these institutions. This resource website allows you to search for any unclaimed insured deposits due to a financial institution being closed by a regulatory agency.
National Credit Union Administration
When a credit union with federal insurance is liquidated, the NCUA's Asset Management and Assistance Center is responsible for paying the share accounts to the members. This resource website allows you to search for unclaimed accounts from liquidated credit unions.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. has a searchable database to determine whether you are owed any pension benefits if your pension plan no longer exists because it was closed or was taken over by the pension agency. You also can track down the benefits if you are a survivor of the person who should be drawing the pension. This site will tell you what to do if you believe you are owed money but aren't found in the agency's database.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
If you had a HUD/FHA insured mortgage, you may have a refund on part of your insurance premium or a share of the earnings.
U.S. Department of Veterans Administration
Unclaimed insurance funds are owed to certain current and former policyholders or their beneficiaries. The money is owed to individuals whom we have been unable to locate in order to make payment.
U.S. Federal Investments
The official source of information about U.S. Savings Bonds. Check the Treasury Direct Website for any Savings Bonds about which you may have forgotten.
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
An independent agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government, the RRB administers comprehensive benefit programs for the nation's railroad workers and their families.
Undeliverable U.S. Federal Tax Refund Checks
The Internal Revenue Service may have an undeliverable refund check that belongs to you.
Holocaust Resources
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc.
The mission of the Claims Conference over its history has always been to secure what we consider a small measure of justice for Jewish victims of Nazi persecution. We have pursued this goal since 1951 through a combination of negotiations, disbursing funds to individuals and organizations, and seeking the return of Jewish property lost during the Holocaust.
Swiss Bankers Association
Victims of the Holocaust or their heirs can make claims to assets deposited in Swiss Banks during World War II.
International Resources
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Search for unclaimed money and unclaimed property held by The Australian Commonwealth Government.
Bank of Canada
Search for unclaimed accounts in federally regulated banks held by The Bank of Canada.
France Unclaimed Monies
Search for unclaimed monies held by banks in France. Information is available in French only.
New Zealand Unclaimed Monies
Search for unclaimed monies held by the Inland Revenue Department in New Zealand.