A membership in NAUPA allows you to join our network of state unclaimed property administrators and corporate affiliate partners.
You do not need to be a member to search for your unclaimed property!
Membership is limited to administrators of unclaimed property programs and organizations seeking to become corporate affiliate partners. Public and Locators need not apply.
As the foremost authority on unclaimed property, the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) leads and facilitates collaboration among administrators in their efforts to reunite unclaimed property with the rightful owner.
By joining the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA), you’ll be connected with state personnel charged with the responsibilities of unclaimed property administration and compliance in the US and internationally.
An affiliate of the National Association of State Treasurers (NAST), NAUPA provides a forum for discussions regarding interstate cooperation, education, training, uniform laws, reporting requirements and increasing the public’s awareness of the role the states play in protecting and returning unclaimed property to the rightful owners.
Through annual conferences, webinars, conference calls, and other online resources, NAUPA provides a forum for meaningful and collaborative exchanges. Membership in the Network is inclusive of all staff who work in a dues-paying office; there is no extra per-person charge beyond the state office dues.
NAUPA’s membership consists of the leading unclaimed property administrators in state and national governments representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, several Canadian provinces, and Kenya.
Membership Benefits
- Advocacy and awareness
- Gain access to proprietary policy news from NAST’s Washington-based advocacy firm Williams & Jensen
- Participate in the development of legislative and regulatory policy aimed at improving Unclaimed Property administration and compliance
- Receive tools to advocate on key policy issues (e.g. proposed legislation to promote state unclaimed property management)
- Communications
- Receive access to listservs and forums to share best practices with and ask for input from your colleagues in all NAST Committees and Networks
- Gain exclusive access to premium content, such as the NAST member directory, advocacy resources, exclusive member communications, and other important materials
- Receive the NAST Morning Brief online newsletter, keeping you up-to-date on news from public finance officials at the national and state levels
- Submit an article for the weekly Thoughtful Leaders blog
- Professional learning opportunities
- Unlock members-only access to webinars, conference calls, and premium online resources

- Discounted registration rates for all NAST conferences
As a member of NAUPA, you’ll also enjoy preferred registration rates for all of NAST’s conferences and symposiums throughout the year, including:
- Legislative Conference
- Treasury Management Training Symposium
- Annual Conference