Businesses report unclaimed property so you can find and claim yours.
Claiming and reporting are two essential components of the unclaimed property cycle. Businesses and organizations report unclaimed property as part of their accounting processes. However, anyone can search for and claim their missing money.
Claiming and Reporting Quick Reference
Reporting (for Businesses and Organizations)
As property becomes abandoned at a business or organization, these organizations—by law—must report the abandoned property to the appropriate state's unclaimed property departments.
Are you a business that has unclaimed property to report?
Claiming (for the Public)
Once unclaimed property has been turned over to the state, it can be claimed by its rightful owner. The public can search for and claim their unclaimed property—with no fees—from official government websites.
Do you think you may have unclaimed property?
Understanding the unclaimed property cycle
The cycle is continuous, as billions of dollars in unclaimed property are reported and claimed each year.
Abandoned property
The unclaimed property cycle begins when property becomes abandoned, at which point the business or organization holding the property must report it.
Education and resources
Throughout the process, states provide education and resources to both businesses (reporting) and the general public (finding and claiming).
Business reporting
Businesses successfully report their unclaimed property each year, in accordance with laws and adhering to dormancy period schedules.
Finding and claiming
Using free and secure methods, provided by official state government agencies, citizens can easily search for and claim thier missing money.
NAUPA leadership for a sustainable cycle of unclaimed property returns
NAUPA provides leadership and support throughout the complete unclaimed property cycle. We enable a sustainable process where businesses have the education and resources to efficiently report unclaimed property, and citizens can find and claim their unclaimed property quickly and easily.